AuditSME Full Training Course
About Lesson

In this lesson, we guide you on how to create 

  1. administrative letter (admin level)
  2. confirmation letter (company level)


Administrative letter


  1. Navigate to menu Audit letter>Administrative and others>Audit due date reminders.
  2. Enter the following form information.

    Date of letter: 2023-01-04
    The Company’s accounting period ending on: Dec 2022
    Set audit statutory deadlines: 2023-06-30
    Set number of allowed days before audit deadlines: 15 days
    Our audit deadlines for clients to hand over records: 2023-03-31
    Reminder Letter: First

  3. Click on Select Button.
  4. Tick the checkbox for those companies that required to create due date reminder letter, then click Create Letter.
  5. To view the create letter in batch, click on the letter icon at the bottom of the page.

  6. Click on the Print button after selecting the company checkbox.


  7. Now you can print out the letter as PDF/hard-copy.
Confirmation letter


  1. Navigate to menu Audit letter>Confirmation letter>Cash certificates.
  2. Click on the highlighted icon at the image below to fetch cash amount from trial balance.

  3. Click on Create Letter button.
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