AuditSME Full Training Course
About Lesson

In this lesson, we are going to work through on the following topic:

  1. Prepare and upload fixed asset listing into system
  2. Create asset sub-lead such as disposal and assign audit index
  3. Generate content into note to financial statement


Prepare and upload fixed asset listing


  1. Prepare the fixed asset listing with the following column:
    (download our sample data sample-asset-listing)
    Asset description
    Asset purchase date
    Opening cost
    Current addition
    Depreciation rate
    Accumulated depreciation
    Current year charges
  2. Navigate to Asset plugin>Import fixed asset listing
  3. Upload the sample asset listing and click Submit button.
  4. Assign the respective headers to the asset item, select asset category and also finance mode.

  5. Click Import button.


Create disposal schedule


  1. Navigate to Asset plugin>Worksheet & Schedule PPE
  2. Left click to asset to perform disposal action:
    1. Left click on 1 unit of Asus Computer
    2. Enable disposal button
    3. enter the sales proceed amount RM500

    4. Click Update and Refresh button.
    5. Create sub-lead schedule Disposal schedule by clicking on the disposal menu at the top of the page.

    6. Enter the audit index number U-10 and click Create button.
Generate content into note to financial statements


  1. Click on main menu Reporting
  2. Navigate to Property, plant & equipment at note to financial statements.
  3. Click on the MFA button for generation of asset movement.

  4. Select the display options for PPE as the diagram below.
  5. Click on Update grouping options button.
  6. Click on Generate movement, followed by verify and edit (for rounding error adjustment) and Refresh in the note.
  7. Click on the auto generate button (icon right to the MFA) to generate note disclosure such as fully depreciated amount, or amount pledged for hire purchase.
Exercise Files
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